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仲威瑾跨境电商英语常用口语词汇 跨境电商英语术语




1. Cross-border trade - 跨境贸易
Cross-border trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between different countries or regions. In the context of cross-border trade, it is common to use the term \"virtual border\" to refer to the择时、择地、限关税等优惠政策,以降低贸易成本。

2. E-commerce - 电子商务
E-commerce is a platform for buying and selling goods and services over the internet. It has revolutionized the way people shop and doing business.跨境电商平台一般提供多种语言的服务,方便全球消费者。

3. WTO - 世界贸易组织
WTO is an international organization that oversees the global trade system. It promotes free trade and economic cooperation among its member countries. In the context of cross-border trade, WTO agreements often dictate the rules and regulations for international trade.

4. FTZ - 自由贸易区
FTZ is a special area where Import and Export activities are allowed without restrictions. It is often used as a base for cross-border trade, offering reduced or eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers.

5. B2B - 企业对企业
B2B refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between businesses or organizations. It is commonly used in the context of cross-border trade, as businesses often purchase goods and services from other companies.

6. B2C - 企业对消费者
B2C refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between businesses and individual consumers. It is the most common type of cross-border trade, as consumers often purchase goods directly from businesses.

7. Aliexpress - 阿里巴巴国际站
Aliexpress is a popular B2B cross-border trade platform, where businesses can buy and sell goods from other companies.

8. Amazon - 亚马逊
Amazon is a leading B2C e-commerce platform, offering a wide range of products and services to consumers around the world.

9. eBay - 易趣
eBay is an online marketplace where individuals can buy and sell goods. It is commonly used in the context of cross-border trade, as buyers and sellers may be located in different countries.

10. UPS - United Parcel Service
UPS is a global logistics company that provides delivery services for跨境电商 platforms. It offers a range of shipping options, including ground, air, and express delivery.

11. FedEx - 联邦快递
FedEx is a global logistics company that specializes in express delivery. It offers a range of services, including ground, air, and international shipping.

12. DHL - 德国快运
DHL is a global logistics company that provides delivery services for跨境电商 platforms. It offers a range of shipping options, including ground, air, and express delivery.


仲威瑾标签: 电商 跨境 trade services border

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